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Thank you Costco Food Court

Updated: Jul 25

Our son started a new job where he is selling a product at Costco. He came home in tears because he spent 8 hours trying to talk to people and he was told no over and over and over again. People weren't outright rude but some did just ignore him. It was so sad.

Day two was a little better from a work perspective but the story he shared about lunch was magic.

He sat down in the food court with his slice of pizza and an older gentleman asked if he could sit across from him, he said, yes, of course. Eventually the man was joined by his wife. They sat and talked and ate together. He was so happy that someone asked about him and his story. I was so happy that he engaged and even more grateful that there are good people in the world.

Love the Costco Food Court and people making an effort to connect. #realworldconnection

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