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Let's talk politics.

Updated: Jul 25

Politics (from Ancient Greek πολιτικά (politiká) 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

We should always being talking politics. We are always talking politics.

It is an interesting world. I'm a liberal democrat raised by a liberal democrat raised by a liberal elected Democrat who became a Republican later in life. I believe in the greater good, freedom of the press, religion, speech and even arms. I believe that we are here on this planet to do good work and help others the most and best ways we can. I believe that there are reasons that people are struggling and it should be our mission to help them. I believe that there are many things that our youth should learn about and I believe they should get a say in their lives. I believe that men and women are equal and no one gets a say into how we go into the world as long as we are not impeding on others. I believe that we have oppressed others and that we are trying to do better. We should try to do better.

I believe in God. One that is not concerned with the daily comings and goings in my house but one that created a big beautiful world for me to go into and do the best I can with the tools provided. I believe that you can believe in God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, spirits, the universe, or nothing and none of us have the upper hand. I know that my privilege of being born in this time with this skin color and this language are a gift that I am afforded. I believe that my body is mine and that I'm not defined by its shape or size. It has betrayed me with sickness and served me as a mother and while my body is not me neither are my emotions or my thoughts. I am a part of a system both internally and externally. What I do and believe matters to the people around me.

My politics are simple. I want a government that supports the work I'm doing so that I can continue to do it. I don't believe that we can go it alone, we must work together. And from what I can tell, governments, schools, agencies, community centers, churches and retail outlets are where people come together--so I believe in each and every one of those as well. And my politics are complicated because my definition of the greater good is different from yours but they can and should coexist just like us. I am friends with black people and white people. Believers and non believers. Evangelicals and catholics. Pagans and infidels. I am even friends with Republicans. My grandmother lost her mother to an illegal abortion and my husband is a Veteran. I know millionaires and homeless people. I understand mental illness and grief. I was a public school teacher and I am a business owner.

We should talk about politics because how we come together matters. How we use the vast resources and wealth of this country can change the trajectory for each of us and our children.

I choose to spend time teaching the next generation, not because I have an agenda but because wisdom and experience matter right alongside innovation and making the world a better place. We need soldiers and teachers, entrepreneurs and nurturers, we need insight and perspective.

I choose to support moms and those that love like moms because our journey in this world is never easy and by seeing and hearing from people around us, we get to know that our voice, our story, our perspective matters to others.

I choose to find connection with others because disconnection is killing us.

We should talk about politics because we are interested in the people around us. What makes you tick and why does that matter to you so much? What can I help you with and will you be there when I need you?

For my ventures, politics is all I do. I, simply, am building spaces where we get to be on equal footing to see and hear from each other in a way that makes each of us feel better, stronger, faster, cuter, more fun! The politicians I support, also, believe in that greater good and a way forward. I'll bet you think the same of yours!

So, let's talk. I'm always booking guests for The Mother Heard podcast where we will talk about your motherhood journey and where we go from here because your experience informs us and helps us to make our decisions--each of us are our politics each and every interaction! #themotherheard #motherhood

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