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Updated: Jul 25

In my day to day, I'm often working on many different things at once. It looks like chaos to some but for me each thing I do fills up a certain need I have in my life--connection, creativity (both written and with my hands), community.

On my vision board I outline my plan for the year and then each month I go after very specific goals. When I'm coaching others or planning activities at The Mother Heard, I use our HEARD method for achieving a thriving life. 

H: Hope--what do you hope for the future? 

E: Explore or engage with what that means to you very specifically

A: Accountability or Actions that you will take to achieve your goals

R: Reflect on how you are doing regularly

D: Dream EVEN Bigger

What I know to be true for me in the summer is that it is often too hot to do anything and I can spend the entire day on one thing that is not on the top of my list. Plus, since I will be teaching again this fall, I know the next six weeks are all mine to really bang some things out. I will list here my actions for the next 6 weeks and I'll report back in before classes start. Feel free to check in as well! Sometimes the big stuff takes support!!!

1. Get a literary agent for One of the Heard. Which means it has to be a finished draft! (Don't invite me to fun things unless you also ask how the process is going. Introduce me to any agents you know!)

2. Book 50 people for the OASIS retreat @themotherheard before prices go up in August. (Sign up to come or share it with someone in your life that can benefit from more community!) 

3. 15,000 steps a day on average. 

4. Finish a creative hands-on (not writing) project.

5. Spend time each week in quality interaction with someone I love.

6. Deliver a regional plan for Only7Seconds® to the team.

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